Press Release

Mulvihill Capital Management
Declares Special and Quarterly Income Distributions
for Eight Premium Funds

(For Release 6 p.m. EDT, September 5, 2000)

Special Dividends in Income Portfolios Driven by Strong Underlying Market Growth

Toronto, Ontario, September 5, 2000: Mulvihill Capital Management, Canada's premier manager of enhanced yield investment products, today declared special and regular distributions for investors in eight of its portfolios - Global Telecom Split Share Corp., First Premium Income Trust, First Premium U.S. Income Trust, First Premium Oil & Gas Income Trust, 60Plus Income Trust, Global Plus Income Trust, Digital World Trust and the Premium Global Income Fund (open-ended mutual fund).

Mulvihill has provided investors with regular quarterly distributions derived from dividends generated from the equity securities held within the portfolios and from capital gains including those generated by writing covered call options on all or part of the securities held in the portfolios and from cash covered put options. Special distributions disburse excess net income and net capital gains of the fund to its investors so that the fund is not liable for tax at year end

"Our products are designed to offer investors security, stable income streams and solid returns," said John Mulvihill, Chairman and CEO, Mulvihill Capital Management. " We actively manage all our portfolios to hit distribution targets, while protecting the original capital to return to investors on termination of the funds."

Fund Code
Total Distr. To date in 2000
Global Telecom Split Share Corp. GT.A


Global Telecom Split Share Corp. GT.PR.A
n/a 0.219 0.66
First Premium Income Trust FPI.UN
0.50 1.00 3.00
First Premium U.S. Income Trust FPU.UN
0.25 0.75 2.00
First Premium Oil & Gas
Income Trust
0.1875 0.3750 1.125
60Plus Income Trust SIX.UN 0.50 0.25 0.75 3.00
Global Plus Income Trust GIP.UN 0.50 0.25 0.75 2.00
Digital World Trust DWT.UN 0.75 n/a 0.75 1.60
Premium Global Income Fund MWM800 0.20 0.05 0.25 0.45

Mulvihill Capital Management Inc. is a leading Canadian investment counsel responsible for the management of institutional and personal assets. The Company¼s cohesive team of senior managers provides clients with a uniquely customized approach to asset management that emphasizes enhanced return and security of capital.

For more information, please contact:
John Mulvihill, Chairman & CEO, Mulvihill Capital Management
Don Biggs, Vice President, Mulvihill Capital Management (416) 681-3966

Mulvihill Capital Management Inc.
121 King Street West, Suite 2600
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3T9
(416) 681-3900   (800) 725-7172