In 2008, John Mulvihill sold the institutional and wealth management divisions. Mulvihill Capital Management continued to focus on closed-end funds, high net worth clients and institutions seeking specific yield enhancement investment strategies. Mulvihill Capital Management Inc. is registered as an Investment Fund Manager (“IFM”), Mutual Fund Dealer (“MFD”), Exempt Market Dealer (“EMD”) and Portfolio Manager (“PM”) in the jurisdictions of Ontario and Newfoundland, as an MFD and PM in the jurisdictions of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, as a PM in the jurisdictions of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and as an IFM, PM and EMD in the jurisdiction of Quebec. Mulvihill’s directors, officers and portfolio managers are registered with the various commissions.
The company currently manages 4 closed-end funds and one open-end mutual fund in Canada. In addition to a team of 6 portfolio managers, 5 of which hold their chartered financial analyst designation (CFA) the firm includes 6 other employees who help run the day-to-day operations. Over the past 25 plus years, we have built a reputation servicing high net worth private clients and institutional investors including: family offices, foundations, endowments, and pension plans. Our firm specializes in yield-oriented investment products that use option-based investment strategies to enhance yield and improve investors’ risk/return profile.