Separately Managed Accounts Philosophy
Our philosophy for separately managed and pooled accounts ties directly into our firm’s core philosophy of active management, enhanced yield, and customized investment solutions. Products can be tailored directly to the investment objectives and risk of our clients. Whether its value, growth, enhanced income or low volatility, our team can come up with a unique investment solution that adapts to your financial goals.
The Philosophy
We aim to first understand our clients: who they are, what they want, and their financial position. From here we can develop solutions that are tailored to each client’s unique needs. The final step is the foundation of trust built between the people at our firm and our clients. We take great care in making sure our clients understand the recommended strategies and risk inherent in them through ongoing communication and education across the entire investment process.
The Process
Our proprietary investment strategy has been developed and refined over 20 years by our team of senior portfolio managers that have been working together for over a decade. Process begins with our asset mix committee providing a top-down macro-economic perspective. We utilize this framework to assess the business cycle, analyze what sectors and industries look attractive and what themes and market risks are present. Incorporating this with our clients own unique goals and risk constraints, a core portfolio is constructed. The portfolio is monitored daily by our team of portfolio managers to asses’ short-term opportunities to actively utilize the options market to enhance yield and limit portfolio volatility.